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Friday, December 14, 2018

The Top 37 Things You’ll Regret When You’re Old (Pay Attention To #15)

1. You didn’t travel when you had the chance to do so.
Traveling becomes incredibly harder the older you get, especially if you have a family and somehow it is expected from you to pay for three-plus people, instead of just yourself.
2. Missing the opportunity to learn another language.
You won’t be really happy when you realize you had three years of language in high school, but you remember none of it.
3. Staying in a bad relationship.
All the people who gets out of a bad relationship always look back wishing they made the move much sooner.
4. Forgoing sunscreen. 
Moles, wrinkles and skin cancer can be avoided if you really try to protect yourself. Coconut oil can help you!
5. Missing the chance to visit shows from your all-time favorite musicians.
“No, man, I’ll see Nirvana next time they come into town.” Facepalm.


  1. We,you whatever never had the chance to regret whatever it is we regret not doing.Human beings have always been kept on a very short leash with very little tolerance to defy fate.We did exactly what we were supposed to do.No regrets are needed when our lives were pre ordained before we were even born.

  2. Just when I needed a self improvement list, here it is!
    Thanks, Joe! I'll get busy right away.

  3. You mean spend the present worrying about avoiding future regrets?

    Christ said something different.

  4. Yeah but on the flip side of that coin don't be an old miser taking your regrets out on everyone else!!!!!!!

  5. All the women I could have slept with but married.

  6. #8 is crap but the rest are valid

  7. Number 1


    I am a product of my choices thru life that were made mostly with the blinders of not being able to see the future.

    I don't regret anything!


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