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Monday, December 24, 2018

Take a Look Back at President Trump's Fight to Bring 'Merry Christmas' Back to America


  1. Freedom is letting people say what they want.

    You getting all offended and tender because someone doesn't say what you like to hear is your problem.

    You insisting they coddle your infantile reactions isn't freedom... it's you acting like a spoiled toddler.

    So how about we actually respect and celebrate freedom and let people do and say what they see fit?

  2. CHRISTmas is a time to rejoice and be glad, to bury the hatchet and show kindness in giving and forgiving. We enjoy peace in this beautiful country we are so fortunate to live in and the freedom to speak, move about, and worship without fear. We have reached the culmination of the Advent, again rejoice and be glad.

  3. Nicely done and very true.
    Merry Christmas folks!

  4. Christmas is the time we celebrate the birth of Christ , our savior . That's a good reason to be merry .


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