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Saturday, December 15, 2018

Sonic In Fruitland Will Not Reopen

While many of us think it's a cool concept, the food sucks and it won't be missed. Mind you, if someone comes along and transforms it into, oh, let's say, "Happy Days" and deliver some great burgers and shakes, now we're talking!

Sorry Folks, I'm on another project and don't have the time. However, take the hint I'm giving you and run like a bat out of hell with it. 


  1. I never thought Sonic restaurant was for real - never saw much business. Thought it was a front for money laundering or something worst.

    1. It is a national chain. Horrible location combined with average food and crappy service did it in

  2. Hope In & Out burger comes there.

    1. Red Robin has the best burgers. It's a chain that would do well in Fruitland. Give McD's some competition.

  3. How convenient for the fire.

  4. Why would we need another burger place, Asian Restaurant, or Mexican food we have multiples of these what this town needs is a family style restaurant like Cracker Barrel.

  5. When they first opened they were fine. But then every time we ordered it was nasty and cold, we stopped going there a few years ago. Nasty!

  6. Sonic's commercials are the absolute worst

  7. When Sonic first opened in Fruitland it was very popular. Car clubs would meet there on Saturday nights and fill that grassy field just to the north of Sonic. Then, and for whatever reasons, the popularity slowly died.

  8. Location, location, location.

  9. Cardboard buns, utility grade burgers, and only God knows what's in the awful milkshakes. It's too bad that the quality wasn't there, for no matter what other bells and whistles there are, any restaurant will fail.

  10. I never believed it would. That fire is very suspicious. Or perfectly timed, you might say.

  11. A diner that specializes in meatloaf?

  12. This was the only poor Sonic I ever went to.The rest were really good,and when they arrived in Fruitland I though this one would be the same.

  13. Salty food. Disgusting.

  14. I don't understand all the Sonic hate?

    There is one in Bridgeville that my family goes to... the menu is amazing for a fast food place, and the quality is way above any other fast food in the area...

    Just from a selection standpoint it's amazing... the pictures of the food actually looks like the food delivered. Burgers, chicken, fries, tater tots, shakes, lemonades, hot dogs... all very good.

    May be Fruitland was a bad one?

    1. 6:02 am, Bridgeville Sonic Manager? And/Or just completely delusional??

  15. I agree with you 6:02 ..My personal experience : Chile hotdogs Always superb ! And milkshakes absolutely Wonderful !! ..half price at certain times of the year !! Sorry cannot agree with most if you

  16. Steak and Shake. Slowly making end roads from the south and would be very nice on the eastern shore!

    Someone mentioned McDonalds. Horrible hamburgers. Either buy meat from the grocery and make your own OR Five Guys! They have milkshakes now too!


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