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Monday, December 24, 2018

Saudi student wanted for murder of Oregon teen fled US in private jet helped by Saudi consulate

Officials say they are doing everything they can to get a Saudi Arabian murder suspect back to the United States after he fled on board a private jet with the help of his country's consulate.

Investigators believe Abdulrahman Semeer Noorah used an illicit passport to flee the country having cut off his police-issued ankle tracker as he skipped his $1million bail.

Noorah has denied the manslaughter of 15-year-old Fallon Smart who was hit by his gold Lexus when he illegally swerved around stopped traffic letting the teenager cross the road in Portland, Oregon in August 2016.

The Portland Community College man went missing June 10, 2017 – just two weeks before he was due to stand trial - and the Saudi government confirmed to US Marshals this July that Noorah had returned to Saudi Arabia seven days after he went missing.



  1. Good luck with that.

  2. Nothing will ever come of it. The state got their million bucks.

  3. Get rid of the UN in the U.S. and all this BS will Stop.

  4. 7:15
    Get rid of the UN?
    That is your answer?

    You obviously don’t understand the enemy.

    1. apparently I don't. how about explaining it to me

    2. Tell us about it oh wise one. I'm listening.


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