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Saturday, December 01, 2018

Salisbury Government Office Building Parking Lot


  1. The County Employees Parking Lot at the Salisbury Wicomico Government Office Building

  2. Jake Day promised to fix them right after Main St. is finished. Gillis got the contract for $275,000...per pole.

    1. Nope County has to pay for their own destruction, so this fiasco will not be city repaired. Money will come from County Tax Payer Coffers whenever County actually recognizes there is damage.

  3. After all, the drivers ARE handicapped.

  4. They must be leaning to the left. lol.

  5. They can't successfully run the city so how do you expect them to park correctly?

  6. Maybe they better check the owners, could be time for DUI checks you think?


  7. Where's the bike lane parking?

    We don't have enough bike lanes is the likely reason you don't see any bikes out and about. They are all at home until each and every street has bike lanes. Then they can come out and play. /sarc

  8. eliminate 1/2 the Fleet.

  9. County employees have to park behind the church. Where is this? Back side of GOB?

  10. Has Julie Brewington been parking there? Gillis has Jakey boy by the short hairs. Gets every bid there is.

  11. Anonymous said...
    Nope County has to pay for their own destruction, so this fiasco will not be city repaired. Money will come from County Tax Payer Coffers whenever County actually recognizes there is damage.

    December 1, 2018 at 9:05 AM

    Thanks, Jake Day, glad to see you still read Joes Blog.

    Couple things to note:
    1) Comma after "Nope,"
    2) No comma after destruction.
    3) "The" in front of money.

    I thought you had an "Ivy League" degree?

  12. Funny how the County owns the building, the parking lot and maintains the grounds, but Bob Culver allows the city and Jake Day to reap the benefits of the parking meters.

    Oh, did I mention the County has to pay the City to park in their own parking lot! How silly is that!


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