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Saturday, December 29, 2018

Salisbury Bank Robbery Suspect Caught In Getaway Taxi Cab: Foul Language


  1. Salisbury ghetto enough for you?

  2. All of the Bury is a ghetto , yall hear me baby , speak english p-lease when you post.

  3. Another person with a cell phone capturing a moment. Such a classy lady also...

  4. typical hood rat ….DABURY LOWEST CRIME RATE IN MD LOLOL

  5. Poor kid will be scared for life of the police.

  6. I wonder if the one taking the video has their tv set positioned vertically

  7. EJ is the nicest guy ever. But man he can not kick the drugs. Sad.

  8. You have a nasty, foul mouth. And you wonder why people talk about you the way they do. And your command of the English language is atrocious. Do you know what an education is? And why is it surprising to you that a Bailey's taxi is there. My guess is, that you know what they do and they are in the wrong part of town to be doing it. Why not tell the police what you know. Do your neighborhood a favor. My brother told me that they are the biggest drug dealers in Salisbury.

  9. Tilecia? Haaaaaa haaaaa.


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