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Thursday, December 20, 2018

Safety Commission Recommends Scrapping Obama Race-Based School Discipline Policy

A federal school safety commission led by members of the Trump administration is recommending that the Departments of Justice and Education rescind the Obama-era school policy that urged more lenient forms of discipline in public schools for students of color and those of other minority groups.

In its final report released Tuesday, the commission concluded the “guidance” issued by the Obama administration in 2014 “may have paradoxically contributed to making schools less safe.”

Some education policy experts have observed the Broward County school district’s policy that includes consideration of race and minority status where discipline is concerned, inspired the Obama administration’s guidance and may have played a role in the fact that Nikolas Cruz remained under the radar until his shooting rampage in Parkland, Florida, on February 14.



  1. The thugs are running the schools thanks to Obama, Eric Holder and a bunch of pathetic spineless administrators. I see it first hand as an educator. These thugs will give you a tongue lashing, threaten you and the administrators give them a back rub and and allow them to wander the halls during class time. These administrators are such squids! They are bumping knuckles and slapping hands with them and even trying to talk their gangster lingo. Seen white kids severely punished for very very minor things but the thugs are untouchable and they know it! Good luck regaining control. Just a matter of time before you see the administrators start sagging their pants and wearing hoods.

  2. This obama policy certainly did make schools less safe. It made Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL a slaughter house. If not for the obama policy the murdered would never been able to purchase the weapon. This is obama's legacy. Murder of innocent people. The fact that so many still idolize obama proves there is evil all around us.

  3. Gosh, like we didn't see that one coming.

  4. This is the job that the Snake and racist Mark Thompson was doing at the Wicomico County Board of Education. Corruption under his leadership as the BOE president and Superintendent John Fredericksen who hired him without the appropriate credentials.

    John Fredericksen hired BOE President Mark S. Thompson (Reverend) and he stepped down as the President to take the county BOE job and no one even winched or batted an eye. Corruption and his profile on FB he puts (Reverend) as if he is some Christian. He's been fired from every job he's had except this government job. He got fired twice from the Salvation Army and also by FedEx where he was dipping his pen in company ink.


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