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Sunday, December 16, 2018

Rep. Adam Schiff: Trump Faces The 'Real Prospect Of Jail Time'

Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), who is set to take over the House Intelligence Committee when Democrats reclaim the House of Representatives in January, told Face the Nation Sunday morning that he believes President Donald Trump faces the "prospect" of "real jail time" after prosecutors accused the president of directing his former attorney, Michael Cohen, to issue payments to two of the president's alleged former mistresses.

""There’s a very real prospect that on the day Donald Trump leaves office, the Justice Department may indict him," Schiff said. "That he may be the first president in quite some time to face the real prospect of jail time."



  1. And we can do what about this?

  2. dont forget Obama and Clinton

  3. And we can do what about this?
    December 10, 2018 at 4:32 PM

    Check out what is going on in France. Take notes

    1. I been watching Macron's people destroy Paris. Is that what you are suggesting. Destroy America. Try coming up with a better solution than insulting my intelligence.

  4. 5:12 - Yup! I am ready. Regret not serving our country through the military. Looks like I might be able to fix that in the future. Maybe the near future.

    1. Really. Talk is cheap. Did you run to Canada or go off to some low level college so you didn't get drafted in the military. Don't hang on to the coat strings of those who served.

  5. If the Republicans allow this to happen, then every damn one of them needs to be publicly tried and shot as traitors. Including Andrew Harris for not doing a damn thing about Obama, Clinton, Holder, et. al.

  6. Not til the Obamas and Clintons go first.

  7. Didn't Bill Clinton have a 2 year affair with Monica Lewinsky in the White House and still continue as President. He is also receiving Govt retirement check and protectvpr security paid for by taxpayers. So something that happened when Trump was not President will send him to jail. What is Schmitt smoking.

  8. Obama did the same thing only Obama's involved $2 million dollars and when he was caught the Democrats only fined him $375 thousand. Why? Obama was not investigated like they are doing to Trump. Crooked Democrats at work again with no transparency.

    1. I would pay to take that smirk off of Obama face. Sorry not a threat. Just it is frustrating to see his smirk when we all know he destoyed American in those terrible 8years.

  9. NO; Adam has 'secrets' that were paid for by OUR Tax Dollars and more and he is facing prison time...We have it all...

  10. That is why he has a vice president, for pardons! Trump can get one from the new President Pence.

  11. Schiff is married to George Soros daughter.

    1. No way. I didn't know that. Now everything makes sense. Not really.

  12. Adam Schiff used tax payer money to pay off sexual harassment claims of several young men and he was involved in the death and cover up a gay black prostitute

  13. @ December 10, 2018 at 7:43 PM Concerned Retiree

    What you are referring to, with Obama, is actually quite common in campaigns... you will find that almost always the Candidate is unawares of it happening, and the fines are payed. Donald Trumps campaign also was found to be guilty of this sort of situation as well. As I can read, it is not an uncommon mistake.

    Along with the Trump mistake he wasn't aware of, there was another misappropriation that he was aware of and ordered directly.

    Where the difference is here.. is that Trump knowingly ordered the payments as hush money to hide his infidelity and adultery, and specifically told his attorney to do it and keep it quiet.

    This ISN'T a case of being unfairly targeted, and anyone saying otherwise in misinformed, or is intentionally deceiving you.

    Either way...attempting to compare the two is like comparing apples and pterodactyls.

  14. Every time it heats up on Clinton or Obama, one of their leftists protectors makes this same statement.

  15. After the Supreme Court Nomination I WILL NEVER BELIEVE A DEMOCRAT. It's all a CON.

  16. Heard this upteen times. Schiff and the DEMS need to give it a rest.


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