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Saturday, December 22, 2018

Psychologist: Leftists Who Turn to Marxism Lack Structure in Their Lives

Clinical psychologist and psychology professor Dr. Jordan Peterson told Breitbart News on Thursday that radical Leftists turn to Marxism because they lack a structural hierarchy.

“What’s happening on the radical Left end of the spectrum, is that there’s a concerted effort to criticize the structure of current hierarchy,” said Dr. Peterson, “and maybe to criticize the idea of hierarchy itself, to consider the West and capitalistic structures as fundamentally as oppressive patriarchies.”

“You need a hierarchy,” he added, “You can’t actually orient yourself in the world without a hierarchy.”

Dr. Peterson, who spoke to Breitbart News at Turning Point USA’s 4th annual Student Action Summit in West Palm Beach, Florida, said that individuals need to be able to prioritize what is most important in their lives.

“That immediately creates a hierarchy,” said Dr. Peterson, “because everything you do has to be related to that.”

The psychologist added that “the radical deconstructionist types” oftentimes turn to a modified form of Marxism, because they lack the structure that one needs in order to prioritize what is best for themselves and their family.



  1. Trump Derangement Syndrome is a bad thing.

  2. BS!

    People become Marxists because they are indoctrinated with the Communist Principles (Talmudic Judaism) in public education. That is the whole purpose of public education.

  3. I disagree with the author.
    People lack structure in their lives because they believe in the Karl Marx ideology taught to them in school. I almost fell for it myself - it seemed to be so logical.

    At first one thinks the Marxists hated the rich people, but that is a ruse.
    They hated the Borgeoise. They wanted to become rich themselves!

  4. It's so much easier to let the government do your thinking for you.


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