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Monday, December 17, 2018

President Trump: Democrats Were For Border Walls...Until I Was Elected

So, will we have Shutdown Theater over Christmas or not? From the Oval Office meeting between President Trump, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, and soon-to-be House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, it looked that way. It was quite the fireworks show, with Trump saying he would shut down the government over border security, and unlike Chuck, he would win that political battle; a not so subtle jab a the New York Democrat who shut down the government earlier this year over illegal aliens enrolled into DACA. Trump has made a border wall a top action item for his administration. It’s his signature campaign promise that he has to deliver on. In fact, I would say it’s a must-do. The GOP campaigned on repealing Obamacare for nearly a decade and failed. Republicans cannot allow another, and much less complicated, promise get torpedoed. Trump is asking for $5 billion this go-around, but with the GOP House majority about to expire after taking a 40-seat walloping in the 2018 midterms, the White House should go for the full $25 billion to fund the whole wall. What have they got to lose?



  1. Remember when Mexico was paying for the wall?

  2. i thought mexico is paying for the wall?

    1. Read the new nafta deal. It's detailed on how much Mexico will be paying WE THE PEOPLE. It is obvious it's a back door way for boarder wall payments... art of the deal.

  3. He needs to address the country on TV and provide examples of where the dumbocrats were for immigration control and border control - then ask the people to call their representatives to find out why they have changed their minds to go against the safety of the country!

    1. You tube has tons on videos from tv documentaries to public speeches with all these same demoncrats preacher how they can not come into this country illegally and we need to strenghthen our borders. Do some research you will be enlightened!

  4. President TRUMP please put the HAMMER Down on them.


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