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Wednesday, December 19, 2018

POWELL: New Facts Indicate Mueller Destroyed Evidence, Obstructed Justice

The Supreme Court held long ago in Brady v. Maryland that the Constitution requires the prosecution, which holds all the cards in a criminal case, to give the defense all evidence favorable to the defendant, whether it impeaches a witness, mitigates punishment or shows his innocence. Indeed, the burden is on prosecutors to find anything in the possession of the government that is favorable to the defense.

From the minute Judge Emmet G. Sullivan received the case against Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, which will be decided on Tuesday, he ordered Mueller to provide the defense with allBrady material. Last week, Judge Sullivan specifically ordered Mueller to produce any FBI interview reports — called 302s — or memoranda relevant to the original interview of Gen. Flynn. Ironically, Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley has been requesting the agents’ notes and 302s for two years. Did Mueller comply?

Remarkably, but not surprisingly to those who have read my book, Mueller has thumbed his nose at Judge Sullivan’s order. He produced only a 302 created by his own squad seven months later from his own agent’s interview of none other than the infamous, fired-for-bias, disgraced, Trump-loathing, former Agent Peter Strzok — the guy who swore he’d “stop” President Trump and devised “an insurance policy” with his mistress Lisa Page and Deputy Director Andrew McCabe in case Trump won the election. We are watching Mueller execute that insurance policy by the day.



  1. For over a decade now, you guys seem to always have a surplus of conspiracy accusations. Yet despite holding several key reigns of power over that time, you never seem to be able to actually bring any real evidence let alone make a case strong enough to result in any law enforcement action. The Climate Report that you guys lambast as fake news has more hard evidence than what you bring when it comes to these conspiracy theories. LOL

  2. Why won't these judges find these people in contempt and lock them up till they follow the courts/judges orders or simply dismiss the case in the defendants favor making it a done deal and embarassing the prosecution which apparently is hiding,favorable to the defendant, evidence?

  3. How sweet it would be to see Mueller and a few other swamp rats wind up in prison for a long time and wind up broke and living in a homeless shelter after they get out of prison. Now that would be justice.

  4. mueller, hillary, comey .... 3 peas in a pod


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