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Monday, December 10, 2018

Postal task force recommends changing employee pay, retirement

A task force led by the Department of the Treasury secretary and directors of the Office of Personnel Management and Office of Management and Budget has suggested that U.S. Postal Service restructure pay and retiree benefits to make the agency more cost-effective.

The task force, mandated by an April 2018 executive order, issued a report on increasing USPS financial sustainability Dec. 4, which advocated for both pricing and management changes to U.S. mail operations.

“The USPS is on an unsustainable financial path which poses significant financial risk to American taxpayers,” said Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin in a news release. “President Trump tasked us with conducting a thorough evaluation of the USPS, and today’s report contains achievable recommendations that fulfill the president’s goal of placing the USPS on a path to sustainability, while protecting taxpayers from undue financial burdens and providing them with necessary mail services.”



  1. I have said for years that the USPS be privatized. The losses of this agency has reached epidemic proportions ( 1.3 billion in the first quarter of 2018). At that rate we could pay Fedex 100 million dollars a quarter to provide delivery service west of the Mississippi River and UPS the same for service east of the Mississippi. The rate of pay would be reduced by 5 million after every fourth quarter. The Feds of course would have to pay into a revised retirement fund for future retirees. Sounds ridiculous until you figure that we would save billions in the first year alone.

  2. They've been fighting this for almost 40 years. It's time to put that old lame horse out of their misery.

  3. Ever notice how you have to be a relative, or know somebody at the postal service, to get a job with them? I know for a fact that jobs are not filled using job qualifications.

  4. I get a neighbor's mail (not always the same neighbor) in my mailbox about once every month. Not only are they overpaid, with a pension, they are not competent. Speed reading and memorization are not successful indicators of mail delivery competency. Ever take a postal service exam? I did. With an honorable discharge from the military...and a college degree in BUAD, Magna Cum Laude, and scoring well on the postal exam, I still did not get hired. I guess too many blacks, or other minorities applied at the same time I did.

  5. I'm just one of those people who like the postal service I guess.

  6. I like the postal service also. I just don't like the way they lose billions every quarter. The government can't operate a business efficiently.


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