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Saturday, December 15, 2018

Pelosi tells the media to cool it with the Trump allegations

Presumptive House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has a message for the press: Take your obsession with Trump-related allegations down a notch. Or five.

And to think: Just two days earlier national newsrooms, including CNN and MSNBC, were hailing the California Democrat as a conquering #Resistance hero. Is there anything more tragic than unrequited love?

Pelosi’s advice to the press Thursday came after CNN’s chief White House correspondent asked the California congresswoman about “ Trump being implicated in crimes.”

“I wish that the press would spend a lot more time on what we need to do here to meet the needs of the American people instead of morning, noon, and night allegations against the president,” Pelosi told CNN’s Manu Raju the day after she all but assured she would be the next House speaker. “The Justice Department, the Mueller investigation, they’ll work their will but there are other things going on that are newsworthy.”

She added, “I think you’d have more viewers and readers if you address concerns that people have rather than just this ongoing, ongoing coverage of what’s current with the president from one day to the next.”



  1. Sounds like her crimes and dirty tricks are about to be revealed and she is getting nervous.

  2. The MSM is obsessed with all things Trump. There's no blood in the water, but they're trying to create some.

  3. Less Trump in the news is not good. President needs the media second guessing him so he can make fools of them. She wants more positive attention to her and less Trump attention. Don't trust her - she does have a motive.

  4. The upcoming tax return season scares the heck out of them,and it should.


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