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Tuesday, December 04, 2018

PARIS BURNS–> City of Lights Becomes City of Fire Following Anti-Macron Protest Violence

Protests continued in Paris on Saturday over the Macron’s fuel tax to combat global warming.

Protesters torched cars, attacked police, damaged property and climbed the Arc de Triomphe.

According to the BBC — At least 110 people were injured, including 17 members of the security forces, and 270 arrests were made.


  1. Wake up sheep, they are NOT protesting the gas tax, they are protesting the invasion of migrants in their country!!! Get away from CNN!

  2. 5:08 you are so right! I couldn't believe the way this has been twisted in the US media. The French are fed up.

  3. Serves Macron right. He was so rude out President at the G-20. He turned his back on Trump like a spoil child - just like Obama. Oh yeah they are friends.

  4. The moniker City of Lights was put on Paris not just because of the bright night skylines, but because Paris was though to be enlightened.
    It looks like the enlightenment part has fizzled and people are trying to jump start it.

  5. It's the French. They'll surrender and wait for someone else to come to their rescue.


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