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Thursday, December 06, 2018

Oklahoma jail inmate bites off parts of officer's ears

The Danish government announced its new policy to banish criminal aliens to the remote Lindholm Island in the province of Vordingborg.

The new policy was an agreement between Denmark’s conservative coalition government and its anti-immigration ally, the Danish People’s Party (DF).

The DF released a Twitter video celebrating the new policy.

The Telegraph reported:

Foreign criminals sentenced to deportation are to be banished to a remote island off the coast of Denmark, the country’s government has announced.

Finance minister Kristian Jensen said the criminals will be detained at a facility on Lindholm, an uninhabited seven-hectare island in the province of Vordingborg.

The tough scheme was set up as part of an agreement between Denmark’s conservative coalition government and its anti-immigration ally, the Danish People’s Party (DF).

The DF’s official Twitter account celebrated the announcement by publishing an animated cartoon which shows a dark-skinned man being dumped by a ship on a desert island.

A spokesman for the party said: “Foreign criminals have no reason to be in Denmark. Until we can get rid of them, we will move them to the island of Lindholm, where they will be obliged to stay at the new deportation centre at night.

“There will be police there around the clock.”


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