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Wednesday, December 19, 2018

NANCY? Pelosi suffers multiple brain freezes during short appearance

The likely next Speaker of the House — and second in line to the presidency — suffered several brain freezes during a brief 18-minute appearance before reporters today

Numerous times during the press conference, she awkwardly paused, staring at reporters, groping for words.

“… it is a bill that, uh,” she said early on, her eye spasming, “is much needed for our farmers and ranchers,” she continued, suffering a jaw problem, forcing her to repeat “ranchers.”

Moments later, Pelosi said, “I think we only had 47 votes against it in— yeah,” pausing, adding, “in the House of Representatives.”

No reporters in the room apparently aren’t ever alarmed by Pelosi’s behavior, as none of them report on it.



  1. Are there competency testing for Congress?

  2. The headline can't be true. You need to have a brain to have a brain freeze. Pelosi dosen't have a brain that anyone can tell.

    1. Her robotic wiring short circuited...ha ha


  3. Botox poisoning of a crazy person. But she's the SocialistDem choice.

  4. How can she be where she is?

  5. Perhaps she suffers from alcohol abuse; over time that will kill some brain cells and cause "brain" freeze. Maybe she should have to perform a breathalyzer before giving interviews.

  6. Of course the same brain freezes Hillary had when she was running for election in 2016, and all the falls. The real answer is when your trying to remember lies and trying to keep them straight it is harder than just telling the truth.


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