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Thursday, December 06, 2018

Money, Support for Migrant ‘Caravans’ Flow Through Chicago

Advocates of open borders quoted in media coverage of the migrant “caravan” moving north through Mexico are part of a network of U.S.-based groups funded in the past by left-leaning foundations, according to tax and financial records.

Pueblo Sin Fronteras, a Chicago-based nonprofit whose name means People Without Borders, is widely credited with organizing the caravans of migrants that traveled from Central America on trains and buses and on foot this year and last.

Two United Methodist churches in Chicago appear to be bases for People Without Borders, which is led by one of the pastors, documents show.

Information on the website and Facebook page of People Without Borders indicates that the advocacy group played a key role for at least the past decade in forming caravans that typically got started in Honduras or El Salvador before entering Guatemala to the north.

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  1. Arrest them, this is inciting a riot, or another subversive act.
    At the very least it is aiding and abetting criminal activity. (illegal entry)

  2. So much for God telling Christians to obey the laws of the land. The Methodist Church has become so politically correct it is no wonder so many are leaving the denomination.


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