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Monday, December 10, 2018

Kamala Harris insists she doesn't know anything, again, and again, and again

Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., doesn’t know anything — and that’s her best defense.

When news broke that the California Department of Justice settled a $400,000 sexual harassment settlement involving one of her longtime staffers, Larry Wallace, Harris was supposedly stunned.

The senator didn’t know that Wallace preyed on a female executive at the California Department of Justice while Harris was attorney general in 2016. The senator was similarly oblivious to the fact that Wallace was still a defendant in a lawsuit the next year when she decided to bring him to Washington to serve as a senior adviser.



  1. Oh ok
    That's all right
    Come on really?
    It never ends

  2. She doesn't know anything! That is probably the only true statement she has ever made.

  3. Picked it up from Hillary and now Comey . Very disturbing that you can commit a crime and confess under oath that you don't remember. And nothing becomes of it.

  4. No truer words ever spoken!


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