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Sunday, December 23, 2018

Joe Biden, 76, ponders whether he is too old to run for president in 2020

As he considers running for president, Joe Biden is talking with friends and longtime supporters about whether, at 76, he's too old to seek the White House, according to several sources who have spoken with the former Democratic vice president.

The discussions suggest Biden is aware that his age may be the biggest hurdle to launching another bid for the Democratic presidential nomination, especially in an era when many in the party yearn for a new generation of leadership. He would be the oldest person to ever be elected president.

Past and current advisers to Biden have held frequent conversations about options to alleviate concerns about age, including teaming him with a younger running mate.

One option that has been floated, according to a source with knowledge of the talks, is outgoing Texas Rep. Beto O'Rourke, who at 46 has become the subject of intense 2020 speculation after nearly beating GOP Sen. Ted Cruz.



  1. Biden is on the way to becoming a fossil. O'Rourke is just plain nuts.

  2. He is. Stay home, Joe.

  3. Slow Joe has never been of age to hold the office. Do you want some old dude with the mentality of a teenager that suggested he take our president out back. The good president could knock that old dude on his butt with Trumps ego alone.

  4. An too Dumb !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Yes, he is to old and so are Many of our
    Representative in Senate , Congress that
    help run our Country.
    It' is rediculious, the memory starts
    fading and we need to get them Out!

  6. Joey, come bring pops your ouiji board and clear up all this confusion. Okay, all set....say after me:

    "oh so powerful and all knowing Ouiji, should I Joey Biden run for President in 2020?"

    With fingers on the planchette, it moves to the first letter "N", now the second "O" back to the first letter "N" and now the 2nd "O".

    Ouiji knows ALL!

  7. Dave T: How about not bright enough? And too old? Funny how liberals are convinced they are all much smarter than everyone else, yet know very little in the real world, do very little in the real world, but want to control and change the real world to fit their fantasy ideology where everything is free, there are never any winners or losers, and everyone is entitled.


  8. Has Slow Joe given any hints about what ideas he'll plagiarize if he runs? That's the info most political insiders rely on to gauge his plans.

    He still thinks Obamacare will pay for someone to empty his drool cup.

  9. Uncle 'groping Joe' should give it up and go back to his room. Useless and NOT too bright.

  10. A senile old perv and a bona fide commie moonbat. Good combination.


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