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Friday, December 07, 2018

Jimmy's Bridgeville shut down by health dept. for roaches, unsanitary conditions

The Delaware Division of Public Health's Office of Food Protection ordered Jimmy's Bridgeville restaurant to cease and desist operations due to a roach infestation and gross unsanitary conditions identified during a routine inspection.

The restaurant was closed on Tuesday, December 4th, following a routine inspection where inspectors observed employees not washing their hands and then mixing coleslaw with their hands, according to the report, as well as heavy mold and mildew inside the establishment's ice machine.

Various other violations were also observed during the inspection, including raw eggs being placed over ready to eat foods in the refrigerator, several items that were not properly labeled and dated appropriately, food stored directly on the floor, and other health hazards that the report identified.



  1. That's no surprise, only like 20 years late!

    Next Wicomico needs to shut down Dayton's!

    1. Too funny. You suggest that those idiots actually work. 😂😂

  2. Oh wow, that's disappointing. My family eats there all the time, I've never noticed problems. The food is really good and portions are nice. Friendly warm atmosphere.

    Certainly hope they get this together... I may have to look for other places for Sunday breakfasts...

  3. A restaurant has to be really bad for the health dept. to actually shut them down.

  4. And WBOC gave away a gift card for them yesterday! LOL.

  5. THE `Health` DEPT supervisor needs to be FIRED.

  6. There can be only one reason for ignorant failures like this, and that's bad management. The place is a goldmine.

  7. Stopped in here about two months ago and the ladies bathroom was horrendous! My shoes actually
    stuck to the floor ....I brought it to someones attention but doubt anything was ever done about it.

  8. Does anyone know who the new owner (s) are that bought it back several months ago?

  9. You know the place is a dump when locals boast about PORTIONS. LOL


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