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Monday, December 17, 2018

Is the Flynn guilty plea going to be thrown out?

It is always a bad idea to defy an order from a federal judge – especially when the judge whose order has been blown off has a history of vigilance against law enforcement and prosecutorial abuse and has thrown out convictions that resulted from abuse. Yet the nation's premier, most powerful law enforcement agency has just done so.

The Mueller Special Counsel Office's case against General Michael Flynn took a bizarre turn Friday when the FBI failed to provide Judge Emmet G. Sullivan with the original form 302 account of its interview with Flynn in the early days of the Trump administration. General Flynn's guilty plea was based on yielding to the FBI's contention that he lied to them about his (perfectly legal) conversation with Russia's Ambassador Kislyak, concealing their discussion of sanctions. At the point of his guilty plea, General Flynn had been bankrupted by legal fees, and his son was threatened with criminal prosecution.

But in defiance of Judge Sullivan's order, the FBI did not turn over that Form 302 and instead offered a Form 302 of its interview with Peter Strzok, six months later, referencing the original interview with Flynn that was conducted by Strzok and FBI agent Joe Pientka.

Sean Davis of The Federalist has provided a Twitter thread that covers the key points and includes excerpts from the documents:


  1. Since the FBI defied the Judge, they should be held in contempt and punished like anyone else. Then the case should be thrown out. Called equal justice for all.

  2. Street people are treated better than veterans by these people. Take THEIR pensions away and let them plead guilty instead. Granting them book tours for their crimes is nuts.

  3. Unless they throw the HildaBeast in jail first - she did the same 'crime' earlier in history this is going to remain a partisan witch hunt and the people know it!


  4. At least the top is broken beyond repair. A wholesale reorganization is overdue.

    Their actions seeking to undermine and overthrow the incoming administration need to be viewed in the most unfavorable light, and prosecuted vigorously. After conviction, lengthy sentences should be imposed and served.

    DOJ needs an even more thorough overhaul.

  5. I hope it is thrown out because it should never have been in. Who the hell do they think they are, can't lie to them? They lie when their lips move. I admit I would be in the lock up if I talked with them.


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