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Saturday, December 15, 2018

ICE arrested more than 80,000 illegal immigrants in 2018 with DUI charges, convictions

More than a quarter of a million people illegally present in the United States were removed from the country in fiscal year 2018, according to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Approximately half of the 158,000 people arrested by ICE — 80,730 — had been charged or convicted of driving under the influence, according to the agency's annual report.

The second-highest category for arrests was for crimes related to "dangerous drugs," followed by traffic offenses.


1 comment:

  1. No surprise here, I used to not feel immigrants were never a problem in Salisbury but in the last 2 years I have changed my mind. The drug problem and related problems in the Presidents Neighborhood area have increased. There are too many vehicles at many homes where they should only be 2-4 residents, and they are there consistently proving they are living there. On small homes there are more than 1 mail box indicating more than 1 household. Backyards are filled with untagged or out dated tags on vehicles, and in some cases more and more cars in front and side yards. The Mayor and City Council need to look at these problems closely, and the condition of this area's homes, abandoned homes, absentee landlords, and homes in the area where some kind of construction has come to a standstill and abandoned.
    These concerns were voiced by the SPD in past years and told to us they were indicators for attention. So ATTENTION JAKE and insert yourself in really changing the city for the better. You want people to move here, and more jobs, and more taxpayers then WAKE UP! Lets see some areas you can give real figures and increases, and decrease in crimes at the same time, LET THIS BE A CHALLENGE TO YOU!!!!!!!


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