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Thursday, December 06, 2018

Huber Testimony to House GOP on DOJ's Probe of Clinton Foundation Scheduled For Wednesday POSTPONED!

John Huber, the Special Prosecutor tapped by Sessions was scheduled to testify at a GOP-led Congressional hearing on December 5th on the DOJ’s probe of the Clinton Foundation.

The hearing, originally scheduled for December 5th has been postponed because President Trump designated Wednesday as National Day of Mourning to honor the passing of former President George H.W. Bush.
It is unclear when a new hearing will be scheduled. The Gateway Pundit will update when more information is available.

In October, Congressman Mark Meadows said he wanted Huber to appear before Congress to answer questions and give updates.



  1. better hurry up or he may kill himself with a bullet to the back of his head

    1. I know right, Deep State rats are running scared right now! Look at all the “note passing” at the Bush funeral, some serious facial reactions going on!


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