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Friday, December 07, 2018

House Democrats Will Push to Criminalize Private Gun Sales

House Democrats plan to introduce legislation criminalizing private gun sales once the new Congress is in session.

Mother Jones reports that Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA) met with gun control groups that included the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, Everytown for Gun Safety, the Center for American Progress, the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, and Gabby Giffords’ group. He asked them what they wanted, and a bill to criminalize private gun sales was on their wish list.

So Thompson will sponsor legislation requiring a background check before someone may buy a gun from his neighbor, a co-worker to get a background check before buying a gun from a co-worker, and so forth. The bill will go so far as to require a son to get a background check before a father can give him a gun as a gift.



  1. Oh joy! The idiots in Washington now will start adding innocent people to the prison population who until now were not criminals.

  2. It seems to me it would be unconstitutional to pass such a law.
    We are living more and more in the police state George Orwell predicted in his book "1984". People should read it so they have a better understanding of what and where all this technology is taking us to!

  3. Screw democrats. Wish we could step on them like you would an ant! I should not use screw and democrats at the same time. If they have their way it would be legal to screw anything you want.

  4. The Register of Wills tried to tell me that I had to register all my father's guns that he left me in his will. I ignored her "suggestion."

  5. Start the revolution.

    they will not stop until "WE, the people" stop them....

  6. Cache your extra guns soon.

  7. I watched a congressmen from NY on Tucker Carlson say that the State has the right to ask for your social media passwords if you request a pistol permit.
    The communist lefties are on full attack of the constitution right now.

    A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

  8. '...A well regulated militia..."

    Most people have no idea that, in the 18th century, the term "well regulated" actually meant well equipped. Think about that for a minute.

  9. Civil War is coming.


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