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Sunday, December 23, 2018

House approves spending bill with $5.7B for border wall

The House of Representatives Thursday approved a bill that would fund most of the federal government through early February -- and provides $5.7 billion for President Trump's long-promised border wall, increasing the chances of a partial government shutdown later this week.

Eight Republicans joined all 177 voting Democrats to oppose the measure, which passed 217-185. The bill now goes to the Senate, where it is certain to fall short of the 60 votes needed for passage since the chamber's 49 Democrats are against funding the wall. That, in turn, makes it more likely that parts of the federal government, including nine of 15 Cabinet-level departments and dozens of agencies, will cease operations at midnight Friday.

The vote came hours after Trump told House GOP leaders that he would not enact a Senate-passed package that does not provide money for the barrier.




  1. Now he can blame it on the dumbocrats in the Senate!
    Well played President Trump!


  2. If Congress provides the wall funding he wins. And will campaign and tweet about it.

    If Congress doesn't provide wall funding he wins. And will campaign and tweet about their failure to secure the border.

  3. If the walls built the American people win. It's that simple.

  4. The AMERICAN PEOPLE (whom they all CLAIM to represent) elected Trump because ( for one reason, at least) he promised to build the wall.
    Loser and sore loser democrats aren't interested in what 'we, the people" want --- they ONLY want to stop ANY Trump victory.
    As their hero and savior once said, "Elections have consequences.".
    Democrats don't give a rat's ace about you or me. Or our safety. Or our security.
    ONLY themselves and their opportunity to oppose Trump on everything.
    Living in gated communities and mansions, with a small army, protects THEM from their stupid politics.
    You and I?? We're on our own.
    Keep cheering.

  5. I say let the feds close up shop for a while, especially the IRS...

  6. Who are the eight "Republican" who voted against this bill. Let's shine some light on them and name them so voters don't make the same mistake in voting for them next time.

  7. First thing that should be cut is all of their paychecks

  8. Remember everyone if the wall doesn't get built ASAP more citizens will get robbed, beaten, raped and killed and we can blame the Democrats.

  9. Democrats were for border control before Trump won, now they are against anything he tries to accomplish. They would rather see America fall than let our President accomplish anything. Anti Americans will lose now that we have a real leader willing to stand for what's right & not a sheep afraid of hurting the thin skinned democrat's feelings

  10. It's amazing how dumb the American public has become. Your elected officials have ripped you off and bankrupt this country. No wall is going to stop the illegals coming to united States. The worst of the worst are already here

  11. 8:03 PM - You've obviously never been south of the border. I suggest a few weeks there in something other than a vacation spa and pool bar to get a better idea of how many of the "worst of the worst" are ready to pay an extended visit to the U.S., right after they have their way with you on their own turf.


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