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Monday, December 24, 2018

Girl Scouts: Your Daughter ‘Doesn’t Owe Anyone a Hug’ at Christmas

The Girl Scouts says parents could be giving their daughters the “wrong idea about consent and physical affection” during the holidays when they encourage hugging family members.

As families gather for the holidays, gender stereotypes are often reinforced. Don’t fall for it. https://t.co/4PwXUKdL1L

— Girl Scouts (@girlscouts) December 21, 2018

The organization is cautioning parents that suggesting to a child that she give a thank-you hug to a relative for a gift may plant the seed that she owes sexual favors later on in her life when someone takes her to dinner.

More here


  1. Sometimes I just wonder what in the hell happened to people's brains in the last 50 years. I see people having fits because parents kiss their kids on the lips. I'm almost sixty and my mom is eighty some, and I still kiss her on the lips. Will until the day one of us leaves here.
    Now parents shouldn't tell their kids to hug relatives as the kid may think they owe sexual favors after dining on a dinner date when they get older. WHAT? Or is it just the hug for a gift that is frowned upon. How I wish you people would worry about real problems in this world and not this dumb stuff.

  2. Now if you happen to be Slow Biden's niece maybe you best stay away.

  3. Oh my gosh; what next?!!!

  4. After much research it has been proven that child predators know and are possibly related to the offenders. If a child does NOT want uncle Stan to hug him...then you could be making a huge mistake by him or her go close to Stan. What are the worst risks?


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