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Friday, December 21, 2018

George Soros named Financial Times' 'Person of the Year'

Liberal megadonor George Soros on Thursday was honored by the Financial Times by being named the publication's 2018 "Person of the Year."

"The Financial Times’s choice of Person of the Year is usually a reflection of their achievements,” the editorial board of the London-based newspaper wrote Wednesday. “In the case of Mr. Soros this year, his selection is also about the values he represents.”

Soros, 88, is best known for his work with his grant-giving network, Open Society Foundations. However, the billionaire hedge-fund-manager-turned-philanthropist's influence in Democratic politics has made him a divisive figure on the Right.



  1. more like agitator of the year.

  2. He needs to be Hung.

  3. Mr Soros also did a tremendous amount of work for the Order of the Death’s Head in Europe helping to identify crypto-Jews who tried to escape the actions of Nazi Germany

  4. His values? Who's doing the fact checking for the Financial Times?

  5. The American Nazi Party has also named him their man of the year!


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