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Saturday, December 08, 2018

Fox’s Chris Wallace: 41 Funeral Revealed Trump Not Part of ‘Presidents Club’

Fox News anchor Chris Wallace said on Wednesday that the “chill” that “had descended on that front row” when President Donald Trump arrived at President George H.W. Bush’s funeral made it seem like Trump was not a member of the exclusive “presidents club.”

Trump shook hands with former President Barack Obama and former First Lady Michelle Obama before he took his seat. Former First Lady Hillary Clinton did not even make eye contact.

“Well, I have to say I was struck when President Trump and Melania Trump came to the front row that it was as if a chill had descended on that front row,” Wallace said on Fox News. “You had seen a lot of chatty talk between the Clintons and the Obamas, the Carters. But when Donald Trump sat down, the greeting that he was given by Barack Obama and Michelle Obama was about as cold, about as cool as it could have been.”



  1. What a bunch of bs.
    You mean he is not part of the criminals club?
    Because that's what I saw, a bunch of scared liars.

  2. That's great news Chris...

  3. Did you notice that the "evangelical Christian" candidate Trump didnt recite the Apostles Creed prayer nor sing any hymns, yet the Obamas, accused Muslims, sang and recited every word.

    Hysterical. The squaring of the circle is incredible.

    1. obama's still posing to be Americans

    2. Obama fooled many like you

  4. That tells me he is the right man for the job not the typical sellout. Go President Trump keep on making America great again.

  5. Trump can't be bought like the others with $500,000.00 speaking fees in a quid pro quo deal like Bubba and Killary. He gives that per week in charity donations.

  6. 8:16....Obammy and the rest keep transforming themselves into angels of light.....just like....oh, who does the Bible say....SATAN the Devil!!! They are jealous because he is much richer than the rest all put together!

  7. So what Chris your hate for the man is evident

  8. “there are some ill feelings among some of the people in the front row.”

    Dumb ass chris wallace doesn't know the difference between ill feelings and jealousy.
    The only thing that brightened up that front row was President Donald J. Trump and our gorgeous First Lady.

  9. Funny how before he ran for president they all liked and hung out with him then
    Tells me all that I need to know

  10. Trump doesn't need to pray in public to demonstrate his piety and religious commitment, like the Pharisees of old.
    The one's who DID, with the exception of Carter, should have burst into flames.
    Even if Trump said a prayer, CNN would have did 2 hours on his facial expression or why he favored his left leg while standing.
    Keep cheering.

  11. Are you guys engaging in worship?
    Starting to sound like it.

  12. Earth to Chris- Who would want to be in the same club as Bill n Hill? And Fake Obie n Michele for that matter? No thank you and good riddance!

  13. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. There is no stinkin frienemies here bub!

  14. Good. That is why i voted for him. Drain the swamp!

  15. 832 oh boy, you really have gotten drunk off some serious kool aid. LOL you guys demonize Obama as Satan while putting a man who brags about adultery and sexual assault, treats people like crap, bears false witness almost on the daily, the list goes on.....

  16. This is why he was elected, we wanted someone who was actually an American in deed not just talk.

  17. that's why we elected him... not part of the system.

  18. Good deal, that's partly why we elected the man. He doesn't disappoint us at time like these. The good man doesn't kiss up to the trash that bad mouths him daily. The only reason Billy Boy looked straight ahead is he knew his bride had blue steel shoved in his rib cage. He couldn't help but have his lips smacking (open) when The First Lady eased past.

  19. All I saw was some very nervous people in the front row who where acting like small children who couldn't sit still in church. When President Trump walked in I finally saw some one of authority.
    Someone I respect for making MAGA.

  20. As I always said. No difference between a Democrat or Republican. That's why we elected PRESIDENT TRUMP. See how cozy CLINTON, OBAMA,and Bush were?? Yet you wonder why after 24 years and 3 presidents NOTHING GOT BETTER under both parties. ITS CALLED THE ESTABLISHMENT!!! Not the democrat ESTABLISHMENT. Not the Republican ESTABLISHMENT. It's called the ESTABLISHMENT for a reason. They all get power and money while we suffer.

  21. Chris Wallace is a turd.


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