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Monday, December 10, 2018

Flashback: Podesta Brothers Tipped Off to File DOJ Disclosures Weeks Before Manafort Arrested for Same Crime!

It is now clear that there is one set of rules for Republicans and the working man — And there is another set of rules for crooked Democrats

In October 2017 The Gateway Pundit reported that the Podesta Group with exact timing somehow managed to file forms with the federal government that were 5 or more years overdue that Paul Manafort was charged for not filing.
Who tipped them off?

Mike Cernovich reported in February that John Podesta now seems as frightened as a little school girl when confronted with questions about the Podesta Group’s activities before the 2016 election –

How nervous are the Podestas?

Here is how John Podesta answered when asked about his brother Tony’s work for for foreign governments, in the now shut down Podesta Group. pic.twitter.com/QuGN0QpHeB

— Mike Cernovich πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ (@Cernovich) February 19, 2018

Cernovich also notes that the Podesta’s filed forms in 2017, more than 5 years after they were due!



  1. Two Sets of Laws.
    And they don't even give a damn about publicity or exposure or what 'we, the people" think about it. They FLAUNT it without fear of repercussion or penalty.
    It has brought down entire civilizations.
    It is still going to do that.
    Cheer while you still can, just don't act surprised.

  2. Why are they not charged same as Manafort by crooked Mueller?

  3. Podesta brothers...pedophiles on steroids.


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