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Friday, December 14, 2018

Flashback: Obama Offered $150,000 Bribe to Silence Crackpot Preacher Jeremiah Wright – No Charges Were Filed

The Mueller Special Counsel and New York District Attorney’s Office seek to destroy President Trump for paying out $130,000 in hush money to two former paramours

The New York District Attorney’s office has picked up the case because New York state crimes can not be pardoned by a president.

Most experts believe paying hush money is not a crime.
The media believes the alleged bribe ranks as one of the worst criminal act in US history.



  1. Ovomit can do no wrong in the eyes of the corrupt media and partisan commies he embedded in the highest positions of the FBI , State & Justice Dept.

  2. The "shadow government" is being exposed but MSM, MSNBC and CNN will never cover it like they do Trump. They will have to show the crimes of Obama and expose the real governmental corruption of the Presidency of Obama. They would also have to prove Obama was an "illegal" President.

  3. Obama needs to be investigated right along with the Clintons. Serious and I mean serious investigations by independent and multiple investigators.


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