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Saturday, December 08, 2018

Elizabeth Warren's advisers want her to APOLOGIZE for DNA stunt

Advisers to Sen. Elizabeth Warren are counseling her to issue a forceful apology for releasing the results of a DNA test that revealed a sliver of American Indian blood in her family tree.

Democrats blasted the liberal Massachusetts senator in October for drawing attention to her biggest political liability in the middle of a tense midterm election cycle.

Warren's DNA analysis, conducted by a privately hired scientist who is an expert on Native American genomics, showed that her Native American ancestry was between 0.09 percent and 1.5 percent.

The low end of that scale equates to 1/1,024th.

A landmark study published in 2014 in the American Journal of Human Genetics found that, on average, European-Americans have 0.18 per cent Native American blood – twice as much.



  1. I wouldn't want to be the speech writer on this one.

  2. Too little, too late, too bad.

  3. They should advise her not to run...

  4. I wonder if she is watching the Chiefs game or the Redskins game today?

  5. Had to flee her town and get married in secret because her mom was half Cherokee.

  6. So she thought she was Native American but she's not. She can make excuses but we are not buying it.


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