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Thursday, December 06, 2018

Democrats went $18 million into debt to win control of the House

Democrats paid a heavy price to win control of the House of Representatives, going $18 million into debt for the election.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee went into the red despite raising $272 million for the 2018 election, in which its heavy spending helped flip at least 39 House seats to Democrats.

A source with knowledge of the group's finances confirmed the debt figure to NBC News.

The GOP's counterpart group also spent heavily on House races, ending the election cycle $12 million in debt, a spokesman for the National Republican Congressional Committee confirmed.



  1. The debt is owed to their bosses. The financiers of the campaigns. The writers of the bills which then become laws. So on

    Think: Obamacare

  2. Soros and Steyer will bail them out.

  3. They will raise taxes to cover it.

  4. Chump change by some standards.


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