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Thursday, December 13, 2018

Democrats Plan to Re-Introduce Earmarks in New Congress

Incoming House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) told reporters Tuesday that Democrats plan to re-introduce earmarks, a practice through which individual members of Congress attach request special funding requests to bills.

Earmarks have long been criticized as “pork” because they are wasteful and prone to corruption, allowing incumbents to buy political support by using the federal budget to appease or reward favored contributors and political constituents.

Legislators also used earmarks to buy support for controversial legislation, using the practice to cobble together bipartisan coalitions.

Republicans led the effort to ban earmarks a decade ago.



  1. Say it isn't so...only doing it to garner votes. DEMS are incapable of governing.

  2. And they want to know where the money for the wall is coming from. The same place their earmarks would come from. What hypocrites. Cut all their salaries and benefits until they accomplish the business of the American people. Not their political favors.

  3. Yessiree, Bob, those earmarks are what keep Democrats strong (and their friends wealthy.)

  4. Democrats and most politicians want to know "what's in it for me.". They could give a damn about the American people. Take away free health care; free reserved parking at National airport; free security - well you get the picture. If they cannot benefit in some way they would only be in office due to their ego.

  5. line item veto still need it


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