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Sunday, December 16, 2018

Dan Satterfield From WBOC Was Way Off Again On The Weather

Hey Joe, I know this is off topic, but viewers should submit some pictures of the "Dusting" that Dan predicted we would get on Friday nights broadcast. I just finished shoveling some of that dusting just now. Definitely more than and inch and it's still coming down at 5:30! All of this will freeze tonight, and it's going to be a mess when we have to drive to work tomorrow morning!

Publishers Notes: Yes, Dan was, (once again) way wrong on his forecast. I have just returned from a weekend up north, (Connecticut & New York) and dealt with the snow, all of which Dan said was NOT going to happen. 

My Brother left my OC home a just a little while ago and called to tell me he's seen several serious accidents along Rt. 50 from OC to Cambridge, people are driving like Idiots and the roads are frozen.

My Son was going to head back to Annapolis tonight but after hearing his Uncle talk about the accidents he's staying put here on the Shore and he'll get up early tomorrow and head back. 

My message is, stay off the roads, period. I listened to Dan's forecasts before I left on this trip and everyone on WBOC confidently assured everyone we weren't even going to see RAIN, let alone snow and bad road conditions.  The guy needs to be fired because he sucks at his job. 


  1. Wish I could screw up at my job all the time and still have it!!

  2. Dan was a big time weatherman, they said. We are so fortunate to have him,they said. Perhaps we're starting to see why a big time weatherman settled in small market WBOC.

  3. I don't listen to anything that man, Dan, says about the weather!


  5. Dan and WBOC getting people hurt/killed.

  6. What a bunch of cry babies.

  7. Son goes out in small boat to oyster.. wboc says no wind..well like to sunk him..then they say so windy 20-30 knts. It is slick cam..smh..was waiting for blizzard out of this dusting..

  8. Then what? Dan probably takes his weather forecast from the weather app which isn't much better.

  9. Our weather depends very much on the Chesapeake Bay. The bay temperature was too high for too much accumulation. The roads aren't bad.

  10. wow, you were shoveling and it was an inch of snow? OH MY GOD that is at least 1/2" above a dusting.

    1. typical Shore Billy

      start to snow...they freak out....slipping and sliding in their 4x4 trucks

  11. 7:53 if he makes a living on the water, he shouldn’t need a weatherman to tell him to work or not! Fishermen know more about tides and winds than Dan will ever learn! Your son might need a new profession for work.

  12. Remember, Dan wanted to be a weather man sinse a little boy...........and he still can't get it right. He really is very bad at his job.

  13. Dan did not say it would be like this LOL

  14. WBOC needs to buy Jimmy Hoppa some razor blades.

  15. Are you referring to Dan Scatterfield? Lol

  16. it's not Dan's fault the weather doesn't cooperate!

  17. Boo hoo all you shorebillies do is complain about this guy. Get your weather somewhere else if he sucks!


  18. Does he actually have a degree in meteorology? Does he have training in how to use a radio and dial in the NOAA stations?

  19. I don't know where you all live , but I'm here in
    Salisbury, MD , off of Mt. Hermon Rd. and ,
    that's what we got was a " dusting . The ground was
    not completely covered.

  20. You want to know what the weather is like. Open the friggin' window and take a look Morons.

    1. That won't tell the future weather moron

  21. With a shore-cast of Partly Sunny, highs in the 80's - SOME of the time DAN cannot go wrong!!!!

    One thing is for sure - he is our DAN!!!!

  22. Dan and WBOC have a award on FAILURE to the community.

  23. We said it would be like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. He is hiding under his desk today.

  25. I stopped 20 years ago listening to the local idiots I only follow The Weather Channel

    1. That’s where Dan gets his forecast.

  26. Relying on a Friday forecast for the following Sunday-Monday without checking again is idiocy.

  27. Well WBOC is in damage control. 6 pm newscast highlights the "surprising" two plus inches of snow here on the shore. Tonight's weatherman has been replaced by Alex Seymore. I guess Dan called in sick!

  28. It's Sunday afternoon December 16, 2018 around 2:48 PM and Allen Volunteer Fire Company ambulance was dispatched to 10780 Jones Creek Circle in Princess Anne, Summerset County because the Princess Anne Volunteer Fire Company apparently scratched.

    Did you know that 99.9% of the Allen Volunteer Fire Company ambulance calls are dispatched to Princess Anne?

    Did you know that 100% of the Allen Volunteer Fire Company ambulance funding comes from the Wicomico County taxpayers?

    Did you know that 0% funding comes from the Princess Anne Volunteer Fire Company?

    Did you know that 0% funding comes from the Town of Princess Anne?

    Did you know that 0% funding comes from Somerset County?

    Did you know that 100% of the revenue collected from the Ambulance billing goes directly to the Allen Volunteer Fire Company coffers?

    Did you know 0% of the of that ambulance revenue goes back to the Wicomico County taxpayers?

    Did you know that the Allen Volunteer Fire Company cannot justify having their own ambulance service?

    This is about as dumb as the Fire Service Agreement between Jake Day and Bob Culver.


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