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Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Customs and Border Patrol Commissioner: Agents Need the Wall

Border Patrol agents need more barriers and a wall to help them keep people from entering the United States illegally, U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin McAleenan said Monday.

"It's called impedance and denial," McAleenan told Fox News' "Fox and Friends." "If someone can run across and disappear into a neighborhood it makes it a lot harder for agents to do their job...Border Patrol agents have always wanted more barriers on the border to help them do their job. It's the only way you can stop large groups from flowing across."

Out of the first investments that have gone into building and repairing the wall, a big difference is being seen in California and other locations, but more is needed.

Detection devices also are needed to help prevent illegal drugs from coming through the nation's ports of entry, and President Donald Trump's budget requests both, said McAleenan. Often, large groups of families are being used to divert agents, while smugglers come in with hard narcotics, and that's a "phenomenon that we need to stop," he added.

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