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Sunday, December 02, 2018

Cummings: 'The American People Said They Want Robust and Transparent Investigations' of Trump

Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) said in the midterm elections that the American people “said they want robust and transparent investigations” into President Donald Trump.

Cummings said, “Let’s be abundantly clear, the American people said to us through this election we want accountability we want to check on this president the United States. But they also said something they said we want you to solve our problems. And a lot of our emphasis is going to be on and laser-focus on things like the skyrocketing cost of prescription drugs, protecting our healthcare, dealing with issues like opioids and one that is near and dear to me, voting rights. We are going to look at all of that.”



  1. D.A. Elijah, in the 2016 election the American people spoke and said they wanted a wall on the border and BOcare repealed. That didn't happen. Go ahead and do what you want and in 2 years your crowd will be voted out. Of course you will still be there thanks to your brain dead constituents. You might have been a great warrior in the fight for civil rights but you are a lousy congressman.


  2. We still want robust and transparent inquiry into why his daughter was running a jitney with Cumming's Member of Congress plated car. IIRC that preceded the 2016 election.

  3. um, no we didn't.
    the collusion was obama and his cronies.

    check out a youtube from Dan Bongino from 11/22
    obama mueller and the biggest scam in american history

    he will give you the political family tree on how this happened and how they are all connected to each other.

  4. Cash me outside howbow dah

  5. The American people want to MAGA and Cummings is whats wrong with this country.

  6. Really Cummings??? Prove it. We the People aren't Finished investigating the Deep State yet...and You're probably knee deep in it.

  7. I agree. And let's have robust and transparent investigations of Cummings too.

  8. Funny he did not see the wishes of the voters to investigate Hilary. Gearheads talk cars,farmers talk crops, shoppers talk deals.As a politician he talks all the time. We could use more car shows!

  9. No, we didn't. Leave Trump alone! We need a great president to stave off the coming socialist state.

  10. Again Cummings is wrong. The American people wants a robust and transparent investigation into Hillary, Clinton Foundation, Podesta brothers in a pay to play scheme, money laundering and collusion with the Russians and other enemies of the US. This includes the involvement of cover-up investigations of Mueller and Comey. Cummings will do anything to protect his Liberal Socialist Anarchist Democrats who are destroying US democracy.

  11. Robust and transparent huh? Cummings has got it wrong from the start , not surprising. He's confused on who should be investigated. The American public want Hillary and Bill investigated.

  12. just more deception and lies. trump is rubber cummings is glue whatever he says bounces off of trump and sticks to you cummings....

  13. The views and political BS coming from the democratic
    politicians in Annapolis, do not represent the Patriots
    of the eastern shore of MD. We will prevail...

  14. Those morons sure do like putting words into our mouths. I and no one I know said any such thing.

  15. Correction half the American people. The rest believe it’s a waste of time n money.

  16. I'd say 1/8th at best. The rest are figments of Cummings' imagination.

  17. Maybe closer to 1/1064th.


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