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Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Comey Back On The Hill To Answer Questions After ‘I Don’t Know’ Testimony

Former FBI Director James Comey is scheduled to testify before House investigators Monday.

Members of the House Oversight and Judiciary committees will try again to assess Comey’s role in the revelation that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was using a private email server to conduct government business and why the collusion probe seemed to give authorities wide powers to spy on Trump’s closest associates.

His appearance Monday comes more than a week after the reticent Comey avoidedanswering hundreds of questions, according to multiple sources, about his role in the Russian collusion probe that continues to pursue President Donald Trump.

Comey’s most oft-repeated phrases were reportedly some variation of “I don’t know,” “I don’t remember” and “I don’t recall.”



  1. He is the one who should be service time in Federal prison for treason and lying to congress. His cover up in the Hilary Clinton Email server scandal is enough to send him away for the rest of his life.

  2. This is the same FBI director who said after meetings he would turn his notes into memos for his files. Maybe he should be required to review those memos before testifying.

  3. He stated last year that he has always been a meticulous not taker after each and every work day since he started working for the FBI. He stated he has each and every journal and kept them with the intention of writing his autobiography upon retirement. So, it is too much trouble to refer to them?????


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