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Monday, December 24, 2018

Charlie Kirk: Leftists Want to Destroy Western Civilization

Charlie Kirk told Breitbart News on Friday that Leftists want the complete and fundamental destruction of Western civilization, and that he hopes the Republican Party has learned that it needs to keep fighting in order to win.

“I hope [the Republican Party] is now a Party that fights,” said Kirk to Breitbart News, at his 4th annual Student Action Summit in West Palm Beach, Florida, “I hope we become a Party that understands when we fight, we win.”

“Make no mistake that the number one lesson we can learn from the Trump presidency is that republicans are allowed to fight — in fact, we have to — and when we do fight, we’re going to win.”

Kirk mentioned the Kavanaugh hearings as the most recent example of what it means to fight for and preserve the nation’s principles.

“The Left’s number one weapon against us is the mob,” continued Kirk, “They love using it, whether it be the boycotts — social media — trying to storm us out of college campuses — trying to come and find us in the streets.”

“They are a mob, and they like to use the mob to silence us.”

Kirk, who recently returned from a trip to London, said that his organization, Turning Point USA, can be expected to expand to new countries soon.

More here


  1. Mob rule always ends up in a bad way.

  2. The Republican ESTABLISHMENT will not fight for PRESIDENT TRUMP. They will fight against PRESIDENT TRUMP. They are part of a world collective. The Clinton's OBAMA'S Bush's are ALL part of it. Those with power and money against the rest of us. Look at how AMERICA has been destroyed by these three administration's. All three administration's have trampled on the CONSTITUTION. PRESIDENT TRUMP is letting the world and AMERICA know. If we don't get rid of these POS Republicans we are going down. Just think how much PRESIDENT TRUMP could have done if not for the Ryan's, McConnell MCCAIN, Graham, Kissinger from Illinois, Bush, flake, corker, plus the other 45 who have retired. That's just the Republicans not all the democrats. WTF!!


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