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Friday, December 07, 2018

Bill And Hillary Clinton Are About To Go Away Forever

Yes, people, the day is coming, and it’s coming fast: We’re almost done for good with Bill and Hillary Clinton.

How can we be sure, you ask? Here’s how: Tickets to see them live and hear them blab about their lives are selling for the cost of a Big Mac meal at McDonald’s.

Not enough proof? Well, there’s this, too: New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd is finally sick of them.

The former first couple opened a 13-city speaking tour late last month with a premiere event in Toronto (why they think anyone in Canada wants to hear them whine about Hillary’s crushing defeat in the 2016 presidential election is anybody’s guess). They pulled just 3,000 people to an arena that seats 19,000.



  1. Yet the POTUS is being investigated by big balls Muller and all his cronies are steadily going down.

  2. Still trying to suck money from anyone ! Please, just go away !

  3. Can't happen fast enough. Funeral of 41 just proved what a mistake it was to elect Clinton!

  4. Three thousand nut jobs still attended. Unreal there would be three.

  5. Be nice if they were 6 feet under!

  6. SINCE MUELLER goes off track to other Investigations where are the offtrack Hillary Investigations?????

  7. Maybe they need to go down to Haiti and whine about their lives.

  8. In ten years, they'll be hawking reverse mortgages, burial insurance and incontinence supplies on TV.


  9. Will be extremely interesting to see how ticket sales for their dawg and phony show hold up. They'll either have to cut prices or scale back from arenas to fire halls.


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