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Thursday, December 20, 2018

Antifa Leader Relies On Anonymity To Push Radical, Violent Communist Agenda

The Daily Caller News Foundation has determined that an influential Antifa leader, Joseph “Jose” Alcoff works with congressional Democrats as part of his day job as a manager with a DC-based advocacy group. But he spreads socialist and communist propaganda when going by the name “Jose Martin.”

Smash Racism DC organizer Jose Martin, also known as “Chepe,” is a radical communist and Antifa leader operating in the U.S. He advocates for the violent overthrow of the government and for the murder of the rich and claims to have international involvement in left-wing movements.

Smash Racism DC is the Antifa group that protested in front of Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s house and berated Senator Ted Cruz at a restaurant until he and his wife were forced to leave. It’s only one of the Antifa leader’s radical left-wing projects.

But the agitator has made great efforts to separate his fanatical personas from a third identity, his legal name: Joseph “Jose” Alcoff. Under that identity, the 36-year-old has worked as a payday campaign manager for Americans for Financial Reform since 2016, where he advocates for reforms of predatory loans before members of Congress.

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  1. Hang this rat for treason.

  2. Just proves the bullying Democrats work hand in hand with Communist anarchist to overthrow US Democracy.

  3. Jose, eh? How's that for cultural appropriation?

  4. What does the left have left except violence. The left used lies but that no longer works Now they just want to rid the world of people who don't agree with them.

  5. The Confessions of Young Nero


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