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Tuesday, December 18, 2018

American tourists risk death to vacation in Mexico

Tatiana Mirutenko emerged happy from a bar in an upscale part of Mexico City after a night of dancing. Seconds later, the 27-year-old Chicago native was dead — hit by a stray bullet from two men on a speeding motorcycle.

Mirutenko, her husband and a group of friends had traveled to the sprawling metropolis of 21 million people to celebrate a delayed honeymoon and a first wedding anniversary in July.

They ate at Pujol and Quintonil, among the top-rated restaurants in the world, and Mirutenko texted her parents photos of the food, the ornate churches and even dogs at a local park in Lomas de Chapultepec, a privileged part of the city where billionaire Carlos Slim owns a mansion.

“She loved the culture, loved the people,” said her father Wasyl Mirutenko, who owns a security company in Chicago. He told The Post that his family had vacationed in Mexico — in Puerto Vallarta and Oaxaca — since Tatiana was a little girl.

But this time, Tatiana, a slim blonde who worked for a pharmaceutical company in San Francisco, returned home in a body bag, becoming one of the 16,399 homicides recorded in the country in the first seven months of this year, according to statistics collected by Mexican law enforcement.



  1. Stupid is , as stupid does , stay away from from this lawless place.

  2. Incredibly sad. What's even more sad is this is also likely to happen in their hometown, USA

  3. travel the world, used to go to mehico all the time. haven't gone there in years because of the rampant crime. No plans to go there again! total sh!thole! you can get cheap drinks anywhere why go there?

  4. SAD!! There are some very beautiful areas in Mexico. I used to rotate between Mexico and Dominican 10 days every year. Not today, no Sur, never again. Take the money saved and buying weapons and ammunition

  5. Why would anyone spend money in this dangerous and corrupt country?

  6. Cut ties with Mexico immediately. Close the border and all trade must stop immediately. All Mexicans must be deported immediately. Doesn't matter how much it will cost Americans. #cuttiestomexico vote democrat

  7. It can happen in Bawlmer, too.

  8. Baltimore, Detroit, Nashville, Buffalo, Oakland, Miami - it doesn't matter where, just who.

  9. echo 756. Much easier to buy a bottle of your favorite teqill-ya, sit in your back yard, relax and occasionally drink from the hose because you know that won't kill you!


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