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Thursday, December 06, 2018

After Getting a Flu Shot, New York State Senator Gets Sick For Two Weeks, Then Dies

On the eve of Thanksgiving, New York State Senator Jose Peralta, 47, died tragically and suddenly of what is being called ‘septic shock’. This New York Post article interviewed Peralta’s wife Evelyn who offered a few details:

“All they said is that he was septic,” Evelyn Peralta said Friday afternoon, after meeting officials with the city Medical Examiner’s office. “And that led to organ failure,” she said of her 47-year-old husband, the state Senate’s first Dominican-American member.

“They need to do additional tests,” she said. “There is no final conclusion yet. They don’t know” what caused the fatal blood infection, she said. “His body was poisoning itself.”

She added, tearfully, “I just came back from viewing the body. The doctor said it’s rare, [given] his age and that it happened so quick … he was healthy. He was a healthy guy.”



  1. We have got to get Hillary to get one!

  2. More fuel for the fire.

    Population is getting outta hand, and lets face, we need to "thin out" some of the duller ones. We really do.

    I mean, measles was all but eradicated... and now it's back in all it's glory to help thin the herd... and not the folks that actually listen to sound science and get their vaccinations...

    No... it's ensuring natural selection, ensuring that the most fit to reproduce, do reproduce.

    So I guess what I'm saying is...

    Thank you.

    Thank you anti-vaccicers, for taking one for the team.

  3. This is exactly why I would never get a flu shot. One year my husband got a flu shot and he got as sick as he has ever has a week later. Normally he never gets sick. Got pneumonia and lasted for weeks. He has never got one since and has stayed perfectly well.

  4. Same here, my Dad, God rest his soul, always told me to NEVER get a flu vaccine it was the governments way of thinning out the herd. I have never had the flu and I am 54 yrs old.

  5. Vaccines are probably safe.
    I think we can trust Big Pharma.
    These corporations have humanity’s best interest at heart.

    Forget about the absolute lack of efficacy.
    Or the Thymerosol (Mercury).

  6. A democrat gun control activist. Don't care.

  7. I haven't had a flu shot in 30 years. Now I know why!!


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