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Monday, December 17, 2018

Actress Becomes Passionately Pro-Life After Movie Role

Movie actress Ashley Bratcher said that she became fully convinced of the pro-life position when auditioning for the part of Abby Johnson in the biopic Unplanned.

Known for Princess Cut, War Room, and other films, Ms. Bratcher said in an essay this week that while researching about the life of Johnson — a former Planned Parenthood employee — her “eyes were opened to the harsh reality of abortion.”

After Ashley got the part, her mother informed her that she had had an abortion when she was 16 years old and that her next pregnancy was with Ashley.

“I was going to abort you,” she told her daughter.

“I was at the clinic sitting on the table when the nurse, who was very pregnant, came in to talk to me. I felt sick. I couldn’t do it. I got up and walked out,” Ashley’s mother told her.



  1. Quiet, quiet please, a celebrity is giving us their opinion!

  2. When Truth is revealed and received, it's very hard to go back...thank God for this...


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