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Sunday, December 30, 2018

A Viewer Writes: "The Dude"

Just when you think you've heard it all from the idiot Jake Day and the children called Salisbury city government this comes out. He's recently had another brain fart and now has named his pathetic marathon, get this, Salisbury "the dude" marathon. The ridiculously ignorant name took some serious thought from top city government officials. 

How did they come up with such a childish name you ask? Day supposedly named the event "the dude" because the course has some sort of resemblance to a small man when looking at it mapped out. Way to go Salisbury, just when you thought you couldn't do or say anything dumber.


  1. Real Women are not going to like that, dude.

  2. Nothing like a bit of gender discrimination.
    He is just begging for a lawsuit

  3. Just call it sexist and the liberals will demand change...lol

  4. Now what if it mapped out in the shape of a turd ?

  5. How about calling it the Dud!

  6. Is there really nothing more to do than come up with such immature slogans?? What was it first "da 'bury or 'bury?? No this newest slogan "the dude". WTF is it going to take for someone to step in and get these jackass's vack on point

  7. DUDE ? lol 99 % in dbury females look like DUDES.

  8. Da 'bury, now "the dude". Unbelievable that there is nothing more pressing in Salisbury city government than to come up with such immature slogans

  9. Sue Salisbury and Day...Sexist at best.


  10. How about 'The Dude and Dudette Scamper Thru the 'bury'?


  11. 'Folked Fest Fast Feet Frolic'

  12. No dudettes can run? Screw Jake.

  13. Unless already consulted - the Big Lebowski would not like this one bit!!

    1. 10:54- The Dude does not abide. Not for this. Julianne Moore needs to talk to day about his refusal to acknowledge the female form, yet is the type to talk about his own balls all day. What a great movie!

  14. He reminds me so much of Burt from sesame street!
    Man child still living in a fantasy land at the expense of the taxpayers!

  15. I'm sure that event will draw a lot of "DUDES" from the lgbtq community.

  16. just stop worrying about PC. Trump doesn't care about PC so why should the Mayor.. IMO the only idiots are those who spend their life worrying about PC and suing over stupid stuff. or what others think Taking care of your own home front and family and you will feel blessed.

  17. While my unlit street crumbles away...

  18. The biggest child in the GOB is the idiot that got Liberal Jack Heath to run against Bob Culver and now he is on the Republican Central Committee. The State Central Committee should have done something about this atrocity. Central Committee member is required to get Republicans elected not to work for a Liberal to run against an incumbent County Executive.

    Does anyone know what the county Republican central committee did about this?

    1. Not many know what "county Republican central committee" is let alone do anything about it. Dude

    2. Is that right Dude 7:35pm! It’s on every Registered voters ballot during the Primary, DUDE!

  19. One would think after Day showed so much concern and compassion when officer Aaron "bull" Hudson passed away he would have memorialized him instead of some immature childish name like the dude. It shows just how shallow and fake Jake Day truly is. He has no loyalty, compassion, integrity whatsoever

    1. Day used Bull against his friends Unknowingly and he’s done this to other of his (Days) so called friends too. Some are living with the repercussions of it. Day’s fairytale won’t last forever.

  20. The logo doesn't match the map and looks like someones 4 year old drew it.

  21. You should see the sexist tweet they posted. Some smarmy dude staring at another chick walking by.

  22. Disgusting sexist move by a man who repeatedly shows disturbing behavior toward women.

  23. Now he's sexiest on top of everything stupid he has already done. If I was a female running in this marathon I would think up something for like the tank top or shirts with his face and a big X on it, he's just asking for trouble, and making more people realize it every day. He needs and intervention and so do the people that support him.

  24. I am embarrassed to say I'm from Salisbury today. The marathon thing is a good idea but for this idiot to continue to so no class and immaturity like this is unacceptable. @1:05 I'm with you on this it would have been an honor to Hudson's family and his memory and not the classless frat boy mentality continued to be displayed.

    1. Oh quit clutching your stupid pearls. Nobody off shore even knows this Salisbury. I’m in DC and when I say I drive to Salisbury every week, they ask me why I drive all the way NC for the weekends. Please. Salisbury is just one of 3 pain in the arse stoplight groups that impeded DC ppl from getting to OC in a small amount of time. You think too highly of this community of fools and wannabe posers.

    2. @9:51 you really must be a bright one!! You do realize there's a bypass specifically designed to "avoid" those dreadful stoplight inconveniences. What a tool

  25. Run a marathon and then you can run your mouth ;)

    1. Ran ridiculous amounts of distance playing sports then in marine corps. Now as an older and finally wiser man all I can say is GOOD LUCK with the inevitable knee and back problems. If you want to exercise try cycling. My years of running have limited me to fight getting out to walk for exercise due to the osteoarthritis in knees and back disc problems. The knees and back weren't designed for such abuse

    2. This ignorant comment has absolutely nothing to do with the Day idiocy that permeates your community. Get. A. Clue.

    3. @9:52 it had everything to do with the post about timing a marathon"then" you can talk. I've run the equivalent of several marathons and quite frankly like I stated running is about the DUMBEST thing you can do to your knees and back. Don't believe me?? check with all the local distance runners it just wait until you hit 60 them run your mouth dumbass

  26. You should be more concerned about Julie Brewington, oh excuse me Julie Dilworth still out there drinking and driving! Thats the only person on the WRCC that you should be concerned about!

  27. Dude, buy a real domain name and hosting service they're like $30/year.

  28. Anonymous said...
    You should be more concerned about Julie Brewington, oh excuse me Julie Dilworth still out there drinking and driving! Thats the only person on the WRCC that you should be concerned about!

    Yeah did you see her Christmas Eve Drunk Rant? She said FU Dr. Hanlin and told her to eat a D...! Not good not good at all. She deleted it but the screen shots are going around.

  29. Only sinners and democrats run marathons.

    1. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
      “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been purchased at a price. Therefore, glorify God in your body.”

  30. Hey I've got an idea you know that War Memorial up Rt13 North the one that needs $ to fund it's repairs, why don't you spend your $ Jake on that instead of Festivals, and Marathons! Be a real man Jake think of our local heroes who defended our country and people like you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  31. Jake the Jerk continues his misguided approach.

    K-Mart has been gone for a year, and now the Sears is scheduled to close. Evidence of any action on his part to try and keep these businesses, their jobs, and the convenience they offered consumers is lacking. Rest assured if he'd made an effort, we'd be hearing about it from his media mouthpieces.

    A projected 'beer garden' (another bar) and a downtown movie theater are this week's tout as Jake's version of 'bury progress. Perhaps their arrival will convince the throngs of bicyclists currently aggressively not using any/all of the bike lanes to come downtown and scuffle for some of the declining number of parking spaces.

    We continue to be a nation and region on wheels, primarily 4 wheels. In a lucid moment perhaps Jake will count the sales taxes, real estate taxes and jobs tied to the car dealers and associated businesses on Rt. 13 and contrast that with the miniscule amount bike sales (including spandex shorts) contribute to his mismanaged 'bury coffers.

    Removing plentiful, convenient, free parking from the 'bury is akin to applying a tourniquet to the neck of the downtown economy.

    1. Good thing Day has never tried to be an entrepreneur. His instincts for the next thing, sucks.

    2. Do you ever feel like you’re an endless bank account for Jake Day and Julia Glanz’s whimsical fodder? Have you noticed they never spend their own money to finance any of these silly jaunts into insanity? Just checking to see if you as a community are paying attention.

  32. Numerous statistical numbers have been shoved in our faces supporting the National Folk Festival, such as those provided by one of Jake Day's ass kissers Memo Diriker. The one number that continues to evade the public is the total cost to taxpayers that was spent preparing for and operating the sparsely attended fiasco.

    Meanwhile, banks and pharmacies are being robbed, as well as pedestrians on East Main Street in the heart of Day's beloved downtown. Each day countless local motorists travelling to and from work must endure the pothole filled streets of Salisbury, such as Fitzwater Street, Wicomico Street at Riverside Drive, etc. Multiple commercial building sit empty and idle. The boy king is in charge.

    1. You don’t have to stay in Salisbury. People with skills and/or solid education can move away just like many have done so in the past and even as I write this comment. Salisbury can continue to lose its working population until the boy King has no one else left to tax to pay for his insanity. There will be no coffers to rob either. The criminals would probably be forced to relocate as well. It seems in Salisbury, you need to starve bad management out. It’s not enough to complain about it.

  33. A Bull Run Marathon makes better sense than some surfer terminology from the 80s. Does Day know who Jeff Spicoli is?

  34. I like the logo! I hope the event continues to be a success. Thanks Jake for all of your positive energy!

    1. Just watched "vice". Great movie. It shows that if you lie hard enough it becomes the truth. I think that is baby Jake's strategy.

  35. What a Jack @ss! The idiot painted the gay Flag colors by the County Library and now he does something this stupid. The Libtards will give him a feee pass because it is Liberal Jake and he is a Democrat!

  36. Business is booming at Eric’s Barber Shop since he iced out of downtown. Patrons say parking was a big issue. They also say that when he was downtown...many frequented DT restaurants before or after a haircut. Jake is a Dumba$$ pure and simple.

  37. @10:54 I'm not seeing all this positive energy you speak of. The guy is an absolute walking cluster****. The only positive energy you speak of comes from the spineless children that work for the city and are kissing Jake's butt. He divides the city just like the liberal clueless nationwide

  38. I just looked. It doesn't look like a man at all! Maybe a Scottish Terrier. They should called it the Terrier run. That would be way better.

  39. This sounds like a Lebowski Fest is en route.I've been to a couple in other cities,and they always led up to the event by naming events "The Dude" or some version of that.People dress like The Big Lebowski characters & the event culminates in bowling alleys of course.I hope I'm wrong,but that's what it sounds like.

  40. 829pm - shhhhhhh, dontcha know - no one can fix stupid! AHHAHAHAHAHA

  41. The inevitable tax increases coming to this area are going to be fun to watch. Pray that you all find someone to keep Day from getting one of his buddies (carl anderton or the other half of the O'Brien clan Dan) in the wicomico county executive position. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if they try to paint a positive spin on the other fraud bill McCain. He's flipped the script and is all about free stuff for everyone as well


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