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Wednesday, December 26, 2018

44 Warhawk Democrats Voted to Approve 5 Billion for US War Machine -- Only One Voted to Secure US Border - Think About That!!

On August 23, 2018, The US Senate voted for a $675 billion appropriations bill to fund the unlimited war projects.
The warhawk Democrats carried the majority.

The vote was 85-7 led by Democrat Senators.

44 Democrats voted for the bill.
41 Republicans voted for the bill.
0 Democrats voted against the bill.
6 Republicans voted against the bill.
1 Socialist Bernie Sanders voted against the bill.
3 Democrats did not vote.
5 Republicans did not vote.



  1. These politicians don't vote for what their constituents want they vote for what they want personally and what will increase their wealth and power. We the people need a Congress which truly of the people, not elitist, by the people,those who introduce legislation the majority of their constituents want and for the people, laws and bills which help the American people FIRST!
    Not what other countries want from us to supposedly help their people but which ends up in the hands of the few. How many billions have we pumped into other countries which ends only truly helping a few hundred or thousand while the majority keep suffering? This practice needs to stop till we are debt free...America first or we all will suffer!!

  2. The premise is flawed.

    Here it is: "44 Warhawk Democrats Voted to Approve 5 Billion for US War Machine -- Only One Voted to Secure US Border - Think About That!!"

    They did NOT vote to secure the US border. Everyone, believes in secure borders, how that is defined is what is up for debate... and it is a tax payer funded wall that is being debated. The premise is set up as a strawman. Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall, now he is demanding Tax Payer money for it... ipso facto the premise here is completely untrue.

    What would be a true headline is "Democrats and Republicans agree on something".

    If the premise is that Warhawks are people who voted for this... then it would read "44 Warhawk Democrats and 41 Warhawk Republicans voted to approve 5 billion for the war machine..."... but that is not what is said. Yet again, the premise is flawed.

    It's time to start demanding some honesty and integrity on ALL sides. This is nothing but partisan spin... and a bad job of it at that.

  3. Not their children who fight these wars.


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