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Wednesday, November 28, 2018

WWIII is a predominantly economic war, as of now

China has been winning an economic war with America for decades. Unfair currency maneuvers, tariffs, stealing of technology and intellectual property, and tariff-like burdens have been China's war machine against America for a long time. Such economic victories over America have enabled the Chinese to build up their military might through their unfair accumulation of wealth.

Europe has taken advantage of America's generosity in funding too much of NATO expenses, too much of U.N. expenses, and our military nuclear power stick against Russia. Enough is enough! France's own people finally are recognizing the folly of socialism's focus of economic power on the elite political leadership.

Europe disrespects and won't fully support our bold hard line against Iran's overt hatred of America and Western values. They also cheat about backing sanctions against N. Korea. They try to hide behind some vague anti- nationalist "globalist patriotism," which is really, at its core, their economic advantage-seeking. European political leaders seem blind with denial about Iranian religious fascism; Chinese communist economic aggression; and the social, political, and economic dangers involved with immigration as an economic threat to Western democracies.



  1. Bullcrap.Trump has it all under control.Shame on you for doubting him!

  2. All the while I thought China was so smart. Well I guess they were only smart in stealing US ideas. Crazy me!


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