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Thursday, November 01, 2018

Workers’ Pay Rises at Fastest Rate Since 2008, Outpacing Inflation

Wages are rising faster than prices, giving American workers more buying power.

Compensation for U.S. workers was up 2.8 percent compared with a year ago in the third quarter, the Labor Department said Wednesday. That outpaces the 2.3 percent rise in the consumer price index.

The employment-cost index, which measures wages and benefits, rose 0.8% in July through September. The means wage gains are accelerating from the second quarter’s 0.6 percent gain.



  1. It's like the housing ruse. Wages fell 30-40% and now they are up 2.8%. So what. You are still behind. Time to start telling the truth.

    Quit buying into the lies and don't let your local politicians use these lies in their campaigning.

    People are still working two or three part time jobs with no benefits
    Obamacare is taking over 33% of your wages.
    Cost of food is going up
    Fuel is still rising

    1. Bingo! There is no gain. Its all a game to keep you complacent.

  2. Unless you work for Wicomico county in a position other than a deputy


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