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Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Why this Midterm Election is Critical

America’s representative form of Constitutional democracy is on the verge of breaking down because of political corruption at the highest levels and the concurrent decline in civility and growing mob behavior.

Fundamental and deep division prevents government from fixing itself. But we the people can play a decisive role in turning things around by voting in the midterm elections tomorrow. First, some background:

By the end of the eight-year Obama administration, the Democratic Party leadership found itself with the twofold challenge of a weak presidential candidate in Hillary Clinton and ineffective and unpopular public policies. At the same time, a significant number of high-ranking U.S. government officials and their subordinates in the Department of Justice, the FBI, and the CIA -- most appointed during the Obama administration -- decided collectively to take unusual action to assist Hillary. First, the Hillary Clinton email investigation by the FBI was derailed, leading to her exoneration. Next, this cabal quietly weaponized the Justice Department, the FBI, and the CIA to deceive the FISA court with the “Steele dossier” false narrative about candidate Donald Trump. This prompted the FISA court to authorize spying on the Trump team and it facilitated the leaking of scandalous information to the press -- to sink Trump’s candidacy before the November 2016 election.


1 comment:

  1. Never Trumper Republicans in the house screwed Americans.The bunch that retired did nothing to help candidates running starting with Paul Ryan.These people don't have the country's best interest just the donors they worship.


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