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Monday, November 19, 2018

Why Does America Have 13 Million Households That Don’t Have Enough Food To Eat?

Things are going to be tough during the days to come, and we are all going to need more flexibility than ever before

Have you ever had a day when your children were crying due to hunger but the cupboards were completely bare and your bank account was empty?

If you haven’t, you should consider yourself to be extremely blessed, because this is what real life feels like for millions upon millions of Americans in 2018. As you will see below, a third of all Americans cannot even afford “the basics” each month, and 13 million households are officially considered to be “food insecure”. In other words, they don’t have enough to eat. Many parents out there choose to skip a meal (or two) each day just so that their kids can have full stomachs. But sometimes the money runs out completely, and that is when it gets really tough.

In recent years, the wealthy have been doing quite well, and many of them have very little sympathy for the struggles of the poor.

But the cold, hard reality of the matter is that the gap between the wealthy and the poor is now the largest that it has been since the 1920s, and approximately one-third of the entire nation cannot even afford the basics each month



  1. bc our tax dollars are going to illegals and their food income

  2. Because all you ever see on TV is ads for "Save the Starving Africans"!
    We all need to stop giving to any foreigners!
    Do as our president says, American's first!

    If and when any money is left or any food left after every American is fed and housed, then and only then should we even think about helping a bunch of dirty foreigners.

    Same as when a disaster happens, screw them, no one is stepping up from overseas to help the Californians.


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