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Thursday, November 15, 2018

What Are Chances Recounts Will Swing Florida Elections To Democrats? Here Are The Results Of Past Recounts.

"...a recount that reverses an initial margin of more than a few hundred votes would be unprecedented..."

Heading into the recounts, Republicans Ron DeSantis and Rick Scott lead the two big Florida races for governor and U.S. Senate by counts of 33,669 and 12,536, respectively. So what are the chances that the recount will reverse the outcomes? According to the 26 elections that have experienced a recount in recent history, almost zero. In fact, the average number of total votes that actually changed from recounts of similar elections was just 311 votes.

As votes trickled in from Democrat strongholds Broward County and Palm Beach County, the vote gap between DeSantis and Democrat Andrew Gillum fell under 0.5%, automatically triggering a machine recount. The margin of Scott's victory over incumbent Democrat Sen. Bill Nelson fell below 0.25%, requiring a hand-recount. A third recount race, for agricultural commissioner, is led by Democrat Nikki Fried over Republican Matt Caldwell by about 5,300 votes.


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